Recently Dave Smith Instruments released a 32 key version of their popular and affordable analog desktop synth, the Mopho. Unlike the painful menu diving interface of the desktop version, the Mopho keyboard offers plenty of hands on knob control of all the parameters.
While wishing I could afford to purchase the new mopho keys, I decided to create a midi template for my Novation X-Station 25. If you happen to own one of these great synth/controllers and a mopho please download my sysex template and upload it using the novation template editor. I made this template using CC messages (check page 32 of the mopho manual for the parameter list for CC's) but apparently you need NRPN messages to take full advantage of the mopho controls. Either way, this template will send you in the right direction if you haven't explored the midi side of your mopho.
Download Link (copy/paste)
Cheers, you made my day. Man I love this controller! and once I fine tune the Mopho I'm excited to destroy dancefloors!