Sadly, if you live outside of the UK you'll have to download these. If you've never checked this show out before do yourself a favor and check the out the first episode of season 1 here You now have 5 seasons to catch up on.
If you think my comedy hard-on couldn't grow any further you may want to step back (sorry). Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm starts this Sunday and promises the return of the Seinfeld cast. Although season 5 was kinda weak, season 6 was great. I have high hopes for this.
Also worth mentioning is tonight's NBC Thursday lineup:
8:00 PM Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Thursday
8:30 PM Parks And Recreation
Caught some of the first season of this and was disappointed but thought it had potential. I'll give it another chance since I'm a big fan of Amy Poeler and Aziz Ansari. I Heard that, one of the best working stand-ups today, Louis C.K. will be guest starring as Amy Poelers love interest. If you ever have a chance to see Louis live you will not be disappointed. I believe he's on tour now. Check for dates. Also he has a new sitcom on FX set for 2010.
9:00 PM
The Office
Still enjoy this show even though Pam and Jim irritate me since they became a couple.
9:30 PM Community
Could be good. Joel Mchale is a funny man and Chevy Chases' character looks hilarious.
Labels: curb your enthusiasm, louis ck, peepshow
Peep Show was great. Already off to a better start than last season.
Parks and Recreation was hilarious. This episode was way funnier than anything that I caught from the first season.
Couldn't make it halfway through Community. Not for me.
Office was good. Still have yet to see CYE.