I suppose this is a reasonable topic for the first post as it's something i've been enjoying quite a bit lately... Streaming video over the net. Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking, but give me a chance, this is much cooler than you're average flash-based- giant-pixel-fest...
I'm sure nearly everyone out there is familiar with DivX... for those of you who aren't, 'DivX' as we know it is essentially a commercial video codec... but it's one with a really neat and sordid history but i'm feeling the pull of digression so I must stay on point... In the simplest terms DivX allows one to compress a great amount of video data (more data= more quality) into a much smaller file... Think of a DivX file like an .mp3 only for video.
So what's all the fuss? DivX is old news you say?? Indeed! But have you been to Stage6.com? The site functions like any other video streaming site, however the video files are DivX rips. Just make sure you install the DivX browser plug-in to view the content. What's that? Only mildly cool? Ok, I'll make all this reading worth your while... Stage6 is where the all the files are hosted... but Stage6 is not where you want to go to find them.
The site of the day is Joox.net. The first thing you'll notice on Joox is the navigation panel to the right (sorta like Stage6) however you'll notice that on Joox all the content is well organized (very much unlike stage6!).
So there you go, a vastly superior option to streaming crummy flash based web video... There's even HD content! What more could one want in a streaming video site?!
Well... maybe one more thing... there's also a 'download' link next to each video... just make sure you don't download any movies you don't already own, ok?
Sadly, Stage6 is no more! But fear not, many similar sites now exist... Please see the 03/02/09 post about other options for streaming TV on the Web. Thanks!