I usually like to put a little more time between posts, but this little victory deserves to be posted...
If there's one thing about technology that I really can't stand, it's proprietary connections... They're the worst, around! (in a Joe Esposito sort of way). I've encountered proprietary AC adapters for notebooks and LCD monitors, proprietary video plugs, proprietary audio cables, you name it! But recently, I had to deal with something that really takes the cake... Something so insidious, so evil...so... unnecessary! I discovered... a proprietary speaker wire.
Here's how it all went down...
I recently salvaged a Sony DAV-C450: it's an older 5.1 receiver... Anyhow, as I was hooking it up I found that one of the speaker wires seemed to be missing... No big deal (or, so I thought) until I took a glance at the back of the receiver and noticed this...
When you see it, you will... wait - how does that go again?
Ye gods... the horror of it all! A proprietary plug just for a standard set of speakers! Dammit Sony, how am I not surprised?! And of course, just to add insult to injury, on the speaker-end there's regular spring clips... /facepalm.
A few searches later, I had found others in a similar situation, but no solution...
I figured I'd check the Sony site to to see how much a replacement wire would cost... how bad could it be, right?
Well, this bad: $30 + tax and shipping! lol I was glad I hadn't taken that sip of coffee...
It became obvious that it was time to take a closer look at the plug itself...
Looks sorta familiar...
... and that's when it hit me. The spare quick connects remaining from the DIY Arcade stick!
A 22-18 AWG .110 insulated female solderless quick (dis)connect terminal. These guys are commonly available in bulk from electrical component and arcade parts suppliers.
Putting it all together
So, take...
A piece of extra speaker wire
A bag of quick disconnect adapters.
+ Some splicing and crimping =
The quick connects fit around the outer sides of the pins quite perfectly, without any modification needed.
But does it work?
This should probably work with (among others) the following systems as well as with the DAV-C450:
photo credit: supremevictory.com
Labels: proprietary, sony