Just a small post today...
Ever find yourself turning to Youtube for a source of daily music, or even just to fill in those glaring oversights in your music collection? Many have already discovered dedicated music listening services such as Pandora or Last.FM, however, just like Hulu, they block all non-US visitors (or cost money!).
How about something better?
Check out Grooveshark.com: a project by a group of students from the University of Florida who wanted to change the way that music is accessed and shared on the Internet. While it's not an inexhaustible database (It won’t always find what you’re looking for) it does have some clear advantages over Youtube and other music listening sites. Firstly, it’s generally way more efficient than the crap shoot that is Youtube searching… Another nice feature is that rather than having to load up each individual song, you can easily build a queue or playlist that will play through on its own. However, the best feature (by far!) is that it’s not Geo-blocked (in other words, not just for Americans)... Other sites should take note.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot… You can also make backup copies of the tunes you listen to on Grooveshark (but only if you own the original of course!) simply download and install Free music zilla. When used with Grooveshark, Free music zilla allows you to easily download the stream that you’re listening to… Simply launch the Free music zilla application, and then point Firefox towards Grooveshark.com... Once you choose a song to play, you'll see it show up in the Free music zilla window... Simply check the box next to the stream you'd like, and then click the "download" button...
Once the stream has downloaded, just rename the file’s extension from .php to .mp3 and it’s ready to play… Thanks to Dany the Red for first showing the Free music zilla POC!
Go correct some glaring oversights!
Labels: download, Grooveshark, mp3, music, streaming